
The Sprinkler People specialize in residential and commercial irrigation systems. We provide sprinkler repair and modification, and start-up services in Plano, Allen, Parker, Murphy and other local cities. Sprinkler systems require maintenance to keep them working efficiently, which saves you money and conserves one of our most valuable resources, water. It's important to have them checked on a regular basis, as controllers, heads and valves need constant adjustment.

Sprinkler Repair

There are many things that could go wrong with a sprinkler system including and not limited to, leaks, wiring issues, problems with controllers and clogged nozzles. The Sprinkler People will troubleshoot your irrigation system, find the problem and provide an affordable solution that works for you.

Drip Irrigation

The Sprinkler People will install, modify and repair a drip irrigation system in your yard. We can add drip zones or convert current sprinkler system zones to drip areas. Drip irrigation is nearly 100% efficient because it delivers water directly to your plants and has no runoff or evaporation.

Valve Location and Repair

Sprinkler valves are an essential part of your sprinkler system. The valve is the link between the timer and the sprinkler heads. It is what turns the water off and on. The Sprinkler People can help you locate where these are in your yard, troubleshoot and repair or replace the valves.

Rain/Freeze Sensor Installation

Rain and rain/freeze sensors are becoming a "must have" part of every irrigation system. These sensors will prevent your automatic sprinkler system from turning on during a rainstorm. The Sprinkler People can install a new rain/freeze sensor, and troubleshoot or replace an existing sensor on your irrigation system.

Have your irrigation system serviced by a licensed technician today.

The Sprinkler People
469-693-3017  | 
Columbia Irrigation and Landscaping Columbia, SC

Outdoor Sprinkler Services
  • Residential and commercial sprinkler repair
  • Sprinkler modification
  • Install new heads or rotators
  • Valve locating and repair
  • Pipe repair
  • Wire tracing and repair
  • New timer installation
  • Emergency sprinkler repair
  • Irrigation installation
  • Install new water-saving technologies
    • Drip irrigation
    • Rain sensors